fresco papers

  1. Home
  2. top of the aat hierarchies
  3. Objects Facet
  4. Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name)
  5. Furnishings (hierarchy name)
  6. furnishings (works)
  7. [furnishings by form or function]
  8. coverings and hangings
  9. [coverings and hangings by specific type]
  10. [coverings and hangings by location or context]
  11. [coverings and hangings for surface elements]
  12. wall coverings
  13. [wall coverings by location or context]
  14. fresco papers
Scope note
Sets of wallpapers which consist of separate printed elements, including borders and plain or elaborate fill papers, used in combination to create the effect of panels on the wall.
fresco papers
Accepted term: 29-Apr-2024